Entries by Andrew Gonzales


Strength Cleans 5 @ 75% of 1RM 3 @ 85% of 1RM 1+ @ 95% of 1RM WOD 1 6:00min AMRAP 15 Ring Rows 15 Box Jumps Rest 2:00 WOD 2 6:00min AMRAP 15 KBS (62/35) 15 DU’s

Monday June 9th

Strength Back Squat 2sets of 5 @warm up 5 @ 75% of 1RM 3 @ 85% of 1RM 1+ @ 95% of 1RM WOD 5 rounds of… 10 DL (225/135) 6 C2B Then 35 Sit-ups to finish. Scaled 4-5rounds 10 DL (modified weight) 10 pull-ups/ band pull ups/ or 12 jumping PU 15:00min time cap […]

Friday June 6th

Strength Back Squat 5 @ warm up 5 @ 75% of 1RM 3 @ 85% of 1RM 1+ @ 95% of 1RM Partner WOD Row 50 calories/ planks 40 WBSU/ jump rope 40 G2OH (45/25)/ handstand hold 40 split jumps/ Russian ab twist (20/14 slam ball) 40 KBS/ bar hang 200m jump rope run

Thursday June 5th

Snatch complex (Snatch high pull, hang snatch, OHS) 5 sets 50 wall balls 40 HRPU’s 30 box jumps 20 hang cleans (135/75) 10 burpees 5 tuck jumps 1 rope climb

Wednesday June 4th

Strength DeadLift 5 @ Warm up 3 @ 80% of 1RM 3 @ 85% of 1RM 3+ @ 90% of 1RM (Go until failure) WOD 18-15-12-9-6 SDHP (115/65) Sit-ups Pull-ups