Tuesday True Tabata 4-7-20


True Tabata/ 4 movements

Air Squats

8 rounds of 20sec work/ 10 rest (running clock) finish all 8 rounds with air squats before moving to next movement. Measure is your lowest score.

Rest 2min


8 rounds of 20sec work/ 10 rest (running clock) finish all 8 rounds with sit-ups before moving to next movement. Measure is your lowest score.

Rest 2 min


8 rounds of 20sec work/ 10 rest (running clock) finish all 8 rounds with sit-ups before moving to next movement. Measure is your lowest score.

Rest 2min


8 rounds of 20sec work/ 10 rest (running clock) finish all 8 rounds with pushups to finish workout. Measure is your lowest score.