Entries by Andrew Gonzales

Thursday Oct. 23rd

Strength Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3-3 WOD 4RFT 6 DL (275/185) 15 WBSU’s (20/14) 200m run (first and last round must run w/ slam ball) Cashout 500m row for time

Tuesday Oct. 21st.

Strength Weighted Pull-ups/ Strict 5-5-5-5-5 Ring Rows to scale 2:1 WOD 14:00min AMRAP 10 T2B 8 Burpees over box w/ slam ball 35 DU’s

Friday Oct. 17th

Skill/Strength Snatch Complex (Snatch High Pull +hang snatch high pull +hang power snatch+snatch balance+OHS) WOD 4:00min AMRAP -6 Bench Press (75%) -33 DU’s Rest 2:00min 4:00min AMRAP 15 KBS (62/35) 10 Ring Rows Rest 2:00min 4:00min AMRAP 20m reverse bear crawl 12 Tuck Jumps Score= Total rounds Complete

Thursday Oct. 16th

Strength DL 5-5-3-3-3-3 WOD Run 200m 10 C2B 15 Burpees over Bar 20 Back Squats (135/95) 25 Slam balls (20/10) 30 WBSU (20/14) 25 Slam Balls 20 Back Squats 15 Burpees over Bar 10 C2B Run 200m

Saturday Oct. 11th

We will be open from 8-10am only. 8am weightlifting (Olympic lifts) and open gym at 9am. Come by to make up any wods from the week! Bring a friend to be entered into our raffle!

Thursday Oct. 9th

Strength Cleans 3-3-2-2-1-1-1… WOD 50 DU’s 25 KBS (62/35) 50 DU’s 25 Slam balls (20/10) 50 DU’s 25 Pull-ups 50 DU’s 25 KBS (62/35) 50 DU’s 25 Slam Balls